Eftersom jag inte var sugen på någon "tung" öl så fick det bli en pilsner från det chilenska microbryggeriet Microbrewery Szot.
Många sydamerikanska bryggerier har haft stora problem med infektioner men detta exemplar var, enligt mig, friskt.
Färgen är honungsgul och ett rejält skum fyller glaset när ölet hälls upp.
Doften är mycket starkare än vad jag förväntat mig av en öl av den här typen med toner av gräs, kryddor, humle och karamell.
Smaken är balanserad och jag tycker mig identifiera karamell, jäst, kryddor, humle och en viss honungssötma(!).
Ölet är mycket uppfriskande med en härlig torrhet på slutet. Något i det här ölet, förmodligen jästen, får mig att tänka på bryggeriet Unibroue's öl.
Jag måste nog säga att detta öl förvånade mig. En riktigt bra pilsner som jag mycket väl skulle kunna tänka mig att dricka igen! Trevligt!
Fler än jag som börjat träna...
SvaraRaderaHi - I found this review in google - we appreciate the comments, especially from a "lager country", though I know you like your ales as well.
SvaraRaderaWe have worked hard to not have contaminated beers. It is a question of good cleaning and sanitation practices. This is a common problem, typical of many brewery start-ups. Most breweries (and microbreweries) in the USA and Europe have already gone through this phase long ago, so this is not so common in those more established markets. However, in Latin America most breweries are start-ups! And many beginning "brewers" are homebrewers who expanded, but continued using homebrew cleaning and minimal sanitation, not adapting good brewing practices. Darwin prevails in the end, either you evolve and learn to do it right, or you perish. Hopefully brewers in Latin America will advance to the point that beer drinkers will no longer be surprised to find a beer that isn't contaminated.
We brew 7 beers plus a couple of specialties. In Chile we distribute nationally via Concha y Toro and have done our first export to Vindanmark in Denmark (Rubia al Vapor, Negra Stout, Strong Ale) so hopefully you will soon have some SZOT stock closer to you in Sweden.
Regarding the flavor components of our Pilser, I agree with you. Refreshing, but with some Ale type characteristics. This has to be the yeast (Mauribrew lager from Australia in dry form). We fermented for 4-5 weeks at 10 degrees C and then lagered at 6 degrees C for about 10 days before bottling. We only used 1% caramel malt (99% pale pilsner malt) so I can't explain the slight sweetness, but it's there. Anyway, I didn't want to do a "traditional" pilsner - the hops are Sterling, a Saaz derivative. We have also done this beer with a 5% quinoa base, very nice, but this version is 100% barley malt. Vindanmark also liked our Pilsner, but told us that Denmark is already saturated with pilsners, so would be difficult to bring in a Chilean version. I think we should also play with the label a little for export.
Once again, thanks for the comments, and if you ever try our other beers, we appreciate the feedback!
Kevin Szot
I already tried the Szot Strong Ale it was probably the best beer i sampled in Chile. If i see your products around here, be sure i'll give them another go.
Rob (Baggen)
Hi - Please visit www.VINDANMARK.com
SvaraRaderaWe are now selling SZOT Beer..
Hopefully it will reach Sweden in the near future.